Begin with dry hair
Step 1: Forehead Massage
✽ Position the volcanic comb at the point between eyebrows
✽ Massage upward toward the hairline using vertical motions
✽ Move sideways to the right, continuing the upward motion pattern
✽ Return to center
✽ Repeat on the left side, then return to center
✽ Comb through hair, alternating between fingers and the volcanic comb
Step 2: Scalp Massage
✽ Hold the volcanic comb at a 45-degree angle at the center of hairline
✽ Move back and forth in small sections, working toward your ear
✽ Tilt head to reach less accessible areas
✽ Repeat on the opposite side
✽ Comb through with the VOLCANIC COMB if hair is straight (skip if curly)
Step 3a: Complete the Ritual
✽ Massage the neck area with the volcanic comb using downward motions
Step 3b: Complete the Ritual
✽ Divide hair into horizontal sections
✽ Starting at the crown, gently move the comb downward toward the ears
✽ Work through sections from top to bottom