Oway is a story that makes our production choices tangible: an immersion that allows one to experience firsthand what we, as producers, choose every day. For this reason, our training programs are also designed as a narrative. This is why we conceived Habitat as a microcosm of places, connections, values, and coherence.
Its main events tell the different facets of Oway, our way of acting, our choices, our distinctive traits. Technical deepening coexists with the understanding of our values that determine how we want – and hope you will want – to make a difference in the salon and everyday life.
The beating heart of our training is the SPAZIO Academy: an unconventional setting that showcases Oway's approach and allows for direct experience of our worlds.

But why limit ourselves to reproducing in miniature what we can physically provide? Oway offers a unique agricultural and experiential theater, Ortofficina, and a manufacturing center, Artigiano, where one can experiment with working terracotta and glass. Places to walk at dawn and discover the benefits of biodynamics in the field or to shape matter with your hands, creating objects from waste resources. Rare experiences with a strong and significant added value.